Dog Food

Proteins are made up of amino acids, which are known as the building blocks that form thousands of different proteins, each with a specific function Every different amino acid configuration corresponds to a different protein, including enzymes, hormones, genes, red blood cells, hair, skin, bone and muscle.
Dogs can manufacture some amino acids in their bodies; others must be supplied in their food. Dietary protein contains ten essential amino acids that dogs cannot produce on their own. Proteins from animal sources are preferable for dogs because they are easier to extract and digest than proteins from plant sources. The type of protein contained in the food is essential to know. Foods containing cereal proteins (wheat, corn, barley) have little nutritional value for dogs. Muscle meats, eggs and organ meats (such as liver) provide much more usable protein.
Proteins form the enzymes that metabolize food into energy and the hormones that guide various body functions. Proteins themselves can also be metabolized for provide energy. They build bones, repair tissue and maintain growth.
Protein deficiencies result in slow growth and weak or deformed bones. Also linked to animal protein deficiencies are chronic skin and ear infections, epilepsy and cancer, spinning or tail chasing, aggression, timidity, lack of pigmentation, excessive shedding, crooked whiskers, gastrointestinal upsets, poor appetite, a weakened immune system, and an impaired ability to heal from wounds. Excess protein can cause obesity and brittle bones. Dietary sources for proteins are complete dog foods, meat, fish, milk and eggs. Protein should comprise about 10% of your dog's diet.
Dog Food
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